- Shareholders Information
- Shareholders Information
- Unclaimed Dividend
- Process flow of Complaint Redressal Mechanism
- Senior Citizen Cell
- Investor Request Forms
- Shareholding Pattern
- General Meeting And Postal Ballots
- Financial Calendar
- Credit Rating
- Dividend History
- Green Initiative
- SEBI Circulars
- Agreements
- CSR Projects
- General Meeting Recordings
Shareholders Information
Green Initiative
Dear Shareholders,
We are pleased to inform you that the ‘Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ (“MCA”) has recently taken a “Green Initiative in Corporate Governance” by allowing paperless compliances by the companies. Towards this, MCA has issued Circulars dated 21 April 2011 and 29 April 2011 stating that the service of notice / document by a company to its shareholders can now be made through electronic mode, subject to a few conditions.
Our company appreciates the initiative taken by MCA, as it believes strongly in a Greener Environment. This initiative also helps in prompt receipt of communication, apart from helping avoid losses/ delays in postal transit.
We, therefore, propose to send documents, such as the Notice of the Annual General Meeting, Annual Report, Half-yearly communications etc. henceforth to shareholders in Electronic Form at the e-mail address provided by them and made available to us by the depositories from time to time.
In case you wish to receive all the above communications in electronic form; and hold your shares in dematerialized form, kindly register your e-mail address with your Depository Participant at the earliest; or hold your shares in physical form, kindly register your e-mail address with KFin Technologies Limited, our Share Transfer Agent, at the following.
Mohd Mohsin Uddin
Senior Manager, KFin Technologies Limited.
Selenium Building, Tower-B, Plot No 31 & 32 Financial District,
Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Hyderabad, Rangareddi,
Telangana - 500 032.
E-mail Address: mohsin.mohd@kfintech.com
You may use the format given below for registering your e-mail address with “KFin Technologies Limited”
We wish to inform you that in addition to getting the documents through your registered e-mail, you can also have access to the documents through our company website. The document will also be available to you for inspection at the Registered Office of the company during office hours.
We are sure you would appreciate the “Green Initiative” taken by MCA, just as it is being welcomed by companies like us. Needless to say, you will be, as a member of the company, entitled to be furnished with a copy of the above mentioned documents as required under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, free of cost, upon receipt of a requisition from you any time.
We solicit your whole-hearted co-operation in helping the Company implement the e-governance initiatives of the Government in the interest of environment, which is the need of the hour.