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Investor Relations

Our Investor Relations section provides an account of our quarterly earnings, annual reports, regulatory filings, shareholders' information, and investor contacts. It's a central point for our internal and external stakeholders and is directly involved in value creation.

Our Investor Relations section provides an account of our quarterly earnings, annual reports, regulatory filings, shareholders' information, and investor contacts. It's a central point for our internal and external stakeholders and is directly involved in value creation.

  • Investors Contact
  • Policies and Codes
  • Disclosure Under Regulation 46 of SBEI (LODR), Regulations
  • Senior Citizens Investor Cell

    To enhance the service experience of senior citizen shareholders (above 60 years of age) (‘Senior Citizens’), the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company i.e., KFin Technologies Limited (‘KFin’), has formed a Senior Citizens Investor Cell, to exclusively assist the Senior Citizens in redressing their grievances, complaints and queries.

    This special cell will closely monitor the complaints/service requests coming from Senior Citizens through this channel and handhold them at every stage of processing till closure of the same.

    Senior Citizens wishing to avail this service, may address their concerns to the email id senior.citizen@kfintech.com with copy to Investors@bajajfinserv.in along with below details:

    1. Company name;
    2. Folio number/DPID Client ID;
    3. ID proof showing date of birth; and
    4. Nature of grievance/service request.

    Alternatively, you may also contact KFin’s toll-free number: 1-800-309-4006, dedicated for Senior Citizens, for any queries or information.