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Investor Relations

Our Investor Relations section provides an account of our quarterly earnings, annual reports, regulatory filings, shareholders' information, and investor contacts. It's a central point for our internal and external stakeholders and is directly involved in value creation.

Our Investor Relations section provides an account of our quarterly earnings, annual reports, regulatory filings, shareholders' information, and investor contacts. It's a central point for our internal and external stakeholders and is directly involved in value creation.

  • Investors Contact
  • Policies and Codes
  • Disclosure Under Regulation 46 of SBEI (LODR), Regulations
  • IEPF Details

    Pursuant to provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, all shares in respect of which dividend has not been paid or claimed for seven consecutive years or more shall be transferred in the name of Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) by the Company.

    Any claimant of shares transferred above shall be entitled to claim the transfer of shares from IEPF in accordance with the procedure prescribed in IEPF Rules.

    Shareholders may note that shares/dividend transferred to IEPF can be claimed by making an application to Authority on Form IEPF-5.

    Click here to know the status of your shares

    The contact details of the officials of the Company for IEPF related matter are as follows:

    Ms. Uma Shende
    Nodal Officer
    Email ID: bfs.iepfnodalofficer@bajajfinserv.in

    Ms. Namrata Surana Shah
    Deputy Nodal Officer
    Email ID: bfs.iepfnodalofficer@bajajfinserv.in

    Quick links:

    IEPF Rules

    Access link to refund page of IEPF Authority